Old School Yoga


Introduction To The 8 Limbs (Asta-Anga) Yoga

Sutra 2.28

Yoga-aṅga-anuṣṭhānād-aśuddhi-kṣaye jñāna-dīptir-ā-viveka-khyāteḥ

  • yoga = yoga
  • aṅga = a limb or member of the body
  • anuṣṭhānā = doing, performance, practice, execution, accomplishment
  • aśuddhi = Impurity, foulness
  • kṣaye = loss, decline, waste, wane, decay, diminution; destruction, end, termination
  • jñāna = knowing, understanding; knowledge, learning; knowledge derived from meditation on the higher truths of religion and philosophy
  • dīptir = brightness, splendour, brilliance, lustre
  • ā = near, near to, towards, from all sides, all around
  • viveka = discrimination, judgment, discernment, discretion
  • khyāteḥ = (In phil.) Knowledge, the faculty of discriminating objects by appropriate designation


By practicing the limbs of yoga, [and with] the elimination of impurity, [there arises] the illumination of understanding leading to discernment [of self from not-self] by the faculty of discrimination.


Viveka-khyāteḥ, that is, the ability to differentiate the self and the not-self by the faculty of discrimination, is the end game of the ancient yoga practice. When the yogi can do this continuously, then he abides in his own-form. The important points are:

  1. The limbs of yoga are the methods. They are concerned with
  2. Elimination of impurity, and
  3. Illumination of understanding.

Sutra 2.29

Yama-niyama-asana-prāṇāyāma-pratyāhāra-dhāraṇā-dhyāna-samādhayo’ ṣṭā-vaṅgāni


The Eight Limbs (ṣṭā-vaṅgāni) are:

  • yama - restraints
  • niyama - observances
  • asana - postures
  • prāṇāyāma - breath control
  • pratyāhāra - withdrawal from sense objects
  • dhāraṇā - concentration
  • dhyāna - one-pointedness
  • samādhi - clarity of perception at the most subtle level


The eight limbs can be classified as:

  • Elimination of Impurity
    • yama
    • niyama
  • Physical Practices
    • asana
    • pranayama
  • Illumination of Understanding
    • pratyahara
    • dharana
    • dhyana
    • samadhi

Each of the limbs will be discussed individually.